How Manufacturers Can Operate Safely and Productively During the COVID-19 Crisis

Businesses have adapted to a radically new economic and operating landscape but remote working cannot work for companies that manufacture. Employees need to work onsite for factory production work and during the pandemic, manufacturers are more needed than ever. We rely upon them for much-needed supplies such as medical and home-essential supplies and they are the ones that will not let the supply chains reach a standstill. Since the situations are challenging, the following considerations can help manufacturers to operate safely and productively. 1. Identify And Exclude High-Risk People Manufacturers need to recognize and bar employees from the factory that

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Cision’s 2020 Global State Of The Media Report

The media landscape evolves continuously bringing new challenges for journalists every year. And all of a sudden, everyone’s beat has been switched to the pandemic right now and it has been a unique year for journalists as well. Pandemic has affected all of us and will likely do so in the near future. New data from journalists in the Cision’s 2020 Global State of the Media Report reveals the existing media landscape. 3,253 journalists are surveyed worldwide to get thorough insights to form a complete picture of the industry each year. This report reveals changes in industry trends from the

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How To Implement Business Transformation During COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has not spared anyone, be it small startups or large corporations. Entire industries have almost been closed down due to this worldwide crisis. Companies of all sizes had no choice but to adjust and advance. The one good thing about it can be that the lives of customers as well as employees are getting easier and better as businesses had to accelerate their use of technology. Companies are now beginning to believe that those businesses with *no* retail location can no longer survive. In addition to influencing the flow and accessibility of money, the COVID-19 pandemic is

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Tips For Your Retail Website Strategy During Coronavirus

Customers are facing challenges due to the current shutting or restraints on their physical stores. People continue to look at what is open and what is close to them. It puts all the responsibility on retailer’s e-commerce sites to not only sell stock and make money, but also to assist, update, and encourage customers. It might be a crucial balancing act, but it is not impossible. Retailers can adopt the following eight strategies to offer their customers with pertinent, easier, and simple shopping experiences. 1. Prioritize Business Challenges Your team is going to get lots of requests and novel ideas.

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How Livestreaming Will Transform The Global Ecommerce

Live streaming is a new platform that is flourishing during the coronavirus pandemic. The Live shopping trend is increasing and is expected to double this year. Since physical stores are closed which is why the only way left for retailers to connect with the buyers is live streaming. Livestreaming started to flourish in 2018 and 2019. Merchants considered using live streaming because the competition is increasing and traffic acquisition costs are also higher. Live streaming ecommerce is becoming a huge business in China. What Is Live Streaming Ecommerce? Basically, live streaming ecommerce is selling products and services with the help

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Google Launches Rising Retail Categories Tool

Consumer behavior is changing rapidly and unpredictably amid the coronavirus pandemic. Those looking for retail trends can now use a new method to know the type of categories is being searched by people are during the COVID-19 pandemic. Google has launched the latest interactive tool which will show the most popular product categories searched on Google. According to the search giant, Rising Retail Categories set off the top product searches to assist retailers to make data-driven business decisions. Google’s trend-focused data team has come up with the project. Spending that is driven by needs has mostly replaced unrestricted spending, in-store

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A Cheat Sheet Of Top Ecommerce Terms & Concepts

Like every business and industry. Ecommerce and digital retail have their language. But, as far as start-ups are concerned, you might be performing various roles – the role of an owner, IT chief, and marketer for your business. To ensure proper promotion and marketing of your business, you have to know the words that are essential to translate for those inside your business as well as for suppliers and other contractors you work with. These terms also give an understanding of how business is thriving and what needs to be done or stopped to target, convert, and keep customers. You

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Ecommerce Marketing: Personas, Traffic Drivers, Advertising Channels & More

Ecommerce marketing is the system of pushing top-of-funnel traffic to transform into sales and customers. And there are numerous methods do it. You can combine various paid strategies with non-paid strategies to find out what converts the most people. But marketing tactics and marketplace algorithms continuously change and so should your strategy to grow your online sales. Creating a modern, feature-rich, and user-friendly website might seem a difficult task to do but it is still not enough. You have to build awareness, otherwise, your ecommerce website will exist in a vacuum. You need a well-planned ecommerce marketing strategy to drive

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Consumer Spend Is Shifting To Ecommerce: The Untold COVID-19 Story

Consumers are spending online, some by willingly and some due to necessity. Some people who hardly or never purchased online have also started doing so. Therefore, brands are gradually turning to a direct-to-consumer business model and several ecommerce businesses are witnessing substantial growth. Ecommerce sales represented the bulk of overall retail sales growth in the US even before the outbreak of COVID-19. And ecommerce sales are expected to go as high as $6.5 trillion in 2023. If ecommerce overall is leading, then why is business confidence so low? It is true that as a result of the coronavirus crisis, consumer

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How COVID-19 Is Impacting Online Shopping Behavior

Online shopping behaviour is impacted due to the rising concern over the outbreak of COVID-19. Although COVID-19 is damaging in-store traffic for some retailers, yet others are experiencing a boost in online shopping because the anxiety regarding the virus is rising. People are preparing for the worst as there is a shortage of necessities like toilet paper and hand sanitizer in stores and this is what is currently driving people towards online shopping. People also prefer isolation and try to keep away from congregations and even public places. The reason for the increase in online shopping for COVID-19 related products

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