Zoom Video Tech Support for Remote Work Conferencing Integration Solutions

The impacts of Coronavirus COVID-19 are extensive, and numerous organizations and businesses have been affected – or are pondering taking prudent steps. However, is your business arranged with the virtual work devices to flourish right now? The pattern toward virtual gatherings is becoming paying little mind to the most recent troubling features. Illness, climate and even time and spending limitations can get you far from a gathering or an office meeting. Here are a few different ways that you can make a superior virtual work understanding for your organization — presently and later on. Contact us today for Zoom Video

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How China is Using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to Fight Coronavirus

Coronavirus is spreading like a bush fire in China. The researchers in China are using artificial intelligence & big data to tackle this deadly virus through social media, web and other data so that they can stop this virus from spreading. This virus was first reported in Wuhan China in December, resulting in a global health emergency. So far, it’s not clear how deadly and contagious this virus can be and how widely it has already spread. In China, tens of thousands of people are infected so far by coronavirus and thousands of people have died and the infection and

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How to Improve Ecommerce Checkout Rates with Site Seals & Checkout Design

Baymard Institute recently released the 2019 edition of its site seal and ecommerce checkout study. Based on this research here are six important insights and actionable recommendations to improve your ecommerce conversion rates: 98% of Prospective Customers Leave an Online Store Without Making A Purchase It’s quite a blow for ecommerce website owners that 98% of the people visiting their site leave without purchasing anything from the site. There is a chance for website owners to increase the sales on their site by making it more attractive for the website visitors by spending more money on it. Baymard Institute recently

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Conversion Rate Optimization Guide

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of enabling people to take action when they visit a website. By designing and modifying certain elements of a webpage, a business can increase the chances that site visitors will “convert” into a lead or customer before they leave. Numerous sites are intended to change over site visitors into clients. These conversions happen everywhere throughout the site – on the landing page, evaluating page, blog, and presentation pages – and these can be enhanced for a higher number of changes. The way toward advancing those changes is actually what CRO involves. Here’s somewhat

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15 Important Conversion Metrics & Business KPIs You Should Track

Digital marketers use diverse strategies and techniques to promote their services and products online but tracking results of online marketing is usually difficult and time-consuming. Measuring the achievement and profitability of their marketing campaigns is the biggest obstacle for marketers in today’s world. Therefore marketing teams use values like Digital Marketing Metrics and KPIs to measure and track the performance of their marketing campaigns. Specific digital marketing KPIs are created so that it becomes easier to determine targets and goals and measure performance based on those values. There are an estimated 4,083,105,000 Internet Users in the world. – (Internetlivestats) Globally,

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How Artificial Intelligence Is Driving Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is an industry that is growing quickly which is why the majority of the companies are already using some form of marketing automation. Marketing automation can use artificial intelligence (AI) to better target customers. 30 % of companies worldwide will be using AI in at least one of their sales processes by 2020. (Venture Harbour) Chatbots will power 85% of customer service by 2020. (Innovation Enterprise) Global spending on cognitive and AI systems is predicted to reach $57.6 billion in 2021. (IDC) 44% of executives consider the data provided by the artificial intelligence to be its most important

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CCPA 2020 Compliance Checklist for Businesses in California

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is the biggest privacy compliance challenge for businesses in California. The main focus of CCPA is to provide transparency to California residents in how the businesses and different companies collect, share and use their private data. Who is Covered by CCPA? CCPA essentially applies to any for-profit business in California that collects, shares, or sells California consumers’ data, and: has annual gross revenues exceeding $25 million; or possesses the personal information of 50,000 or more consumers, households, or devices; or earns more than half of its annual revenue from selling consumers’ personal information If

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Tips to Build Customer Trust & Drive Marketing Results in 2020

The amount and frequency of customer purchases depend a lot on the degree to which a company is trusted. Trust has an important role to play in generating revenue because people don’t buy from the brands and companies that they don’t trust. Companies need to develop strategies in order to build trust with their customers and prospects. 73% of consumers feel they haven’t been engaged in a personalized way. (Adweek) 79% of consumers will leave a brand if their personal data is used without their knowledge. (Sap.com) Nearly half of consumers leave a business’s website and make a purchase elsewhere

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How Financial Firms Can Use Marketing Automation to Grow Profits

Marketing automation is a new trend for many financial firms that they are implementing to create a complete program to make their services better and faster for an amazing customer journey. Huge operational and marketing analytics data is gathered by firms much before a prospect turns into a client. Currently, 75% of marketers use at least one type of marketing automation tools. Making automation tools accepted by most marketers. – Social Media Today “State of Marketing Automation Survey Report” (2019) Marketing automation is one of the 4 most popular methods to form personalized customer experiences with 48% of Marketers using

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Top 10 Technologies Not to Be Missed at CES 2020

The world’s largest Tech Show, the Consumer Electronics Show is finally here. CES 2020 is expected to represent 170000 techies from worldwide. Last year, it was driverless cars, large screen TVs and smart homes that dominated at CES, What new tech do you think will be trending this year? Here are the absolute best and most unusual inventions from the CES 2020: 1. Virtual Visor Bosch has launched a “Virtual Visor” that tracks a driver’s eyes to shut out the sun without darkening their perspective on the rest of the road. A straightforward video screen floats over a driver’s head

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