Video Marketing

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Video marketing is the use of videos to increase visibility, create engagement and promote sales. Video marketing enables companies to display new content in compelling formats, thereby improving the overall diversity of their websites.

The growing capability of the internet and its role as primary media consumption tool has compelled companies to consider video content as a part of their integrated web promoting campaigns. Consumers spend an average of 5.5 hours a day watching videos, and about 20% of their time is spent on digital content. Video marketing helps businesses appeal to the growing demographic of internet users who watch video clips on the web.

The rise of social media and smartphones has had a huge impact on the popularity of videos. Every day, users watch 4 billion videos on Facebook, and YouTube is reported as "the most successful network to drive conversions."

It should be noted that half of all YouTube viewers are watching videos from mobile devices. Viewers need video content more than ever, and they require video content to be available on multiple platforms (especially smartphones).

  • 33% of tablet owners watch about an hour of video on their device every day
  • 28% of smartphone users watch videos on their devices at least once a day
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