Developing innovative ecommerce conversion strategies can be tough but will ultimately pay off with higher sales, better conversion and more orders when implemented correctly on your ecommerce website. No matter how successful your ecommerce website is, you should always be brainstorming for ways to improve it. One of the most important pages in an ecommerce website is the page that displays products by type or category. These categories show products that are related to each other and are the most efficient way of grouping products.
An ecommerce category page is one of the most important pages of an ecommerce website designed carefully to solidify the user’s intent of conversion by displaying relevant offers and related products almost like a landing page. The main purpose of an ecommerce category page is to make an optimal use of the website by converting users into customers while still showing as many relevant products as possible.
Category pages help keep your e-commerce site organized and clean while also provide an easy to navigate site for you, customers. The proper setup of your category page will have a significant impact on whether or not your e-commerce visitors will move on to the product page or not. The main goal of your category page is to funnel visitors the right product which in turn will lead to a purchase. While not much attention is given to the category pages this is one thing you want to put a little extra focus on if you want to improve your conversion rates.
Best Practices for Ecommerce Category Pages:
-  Use easy and seamless navigation to make your website’s category pages easy for visitors to find what they are looking for. These websites organize the products and services into logical categories. They minimize the amount of clicks to get from point A to point B allowing them to use a ‘search’ function on the site. It is also important to make your ecommerce website mobile-friendly to target mobile users and enable better viewing experience on mobile screens. In a nutshell, the better the user experience (UX), more are the chances of your visitors buying something on your website. The golden rule or designing a category page is to ‘keep it simple’. Once you are done with website development, it is worth conducting basic usability testing. This is simple as getting in few customers and colleagues to review your website and ask them what you need to improve in your site design.
Example of an Ecommerce Category Page
- Write unique content for your category pages. This is something you want to do for at least the top 25 category pages you have on your e-commerce site. The text should only be between 100 and 150 words but this can have a huge impact on your sites SEO. You want to include just enough information on the category page to get your customers to move to the product page to learn more or buy them. Include images and video that can educate the user to engage them and help them understand its features and/or value.
- Integrate recent product review data on each product listing. When you display the reviews from previous customer on the products listed you increase your CTR and this obviously leads to a higher conversion rate. You give your customers a chance to see what has been said about the product without having to search through the customer reviews section making it more convenient for them which can impact whether or not they purchase the item or not.
- Use filters to feature attributes that are relevant to what and how your customers search for. Give your customers options to filter their searches by products, price, new arrivals, best seller, models and more. These attributes will depend on the types of products you sell on your e-commerce site but can make it much easier for you customers to find what they are looking for. Filtering options allow your customers to find exactly what they are looking for and most e-commerce sites that implement filter additions have seen huge increases in their conversion rates.
- Â The customer always wants to have the ability to compare products so make sure you give them this option. Allow your customers to compare products in the same categories so that they can easily decide which is the best option for them?
-  Optimize the category page layout based on user experi. Most sites will stick with a list or grid view option and both have their benefits and disadvantages. With the list view, you can display more details about the products and a great for e-commerce stores who need more than just an image to explain the product. Grid views let the images do most of the explaining to your customer is typically a favored layout for clothing or accessory stores. Consider which option is more beneficial for your customers and test out your options to see which layout performs better.
Deepak Wadhwani has over 20 years experience in software/wireless technologies. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies including Intuit, ESRI, Qualcomm, Sprint, Verizon, Vodafone, Nortel, Microsoft and Oracle in over 60 countries. Deepak has worked on Internet marketing projects in San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange Country, Denver, Nashville, Kansas City, New York, San Francisco and Huntsville. Deepak has been a founder of technology Startups for one of the first Cityguides, yellow pages online and web based enterprise solutions. He is an internet marketing and technology expert & co-founder for a San Diego Internet marketing company.