A picture is worth a thousand words. Adding images to your content makes it more appealing for the readers. Stock images provide a visual experience that benefits your readers to engage more with your website. It also lets Google index your images and gives you additional website traffic. Infographics in particular are trending and can aid your reader in understanding your subject matter.
Learn how to select the right kind of stock images for your website. There are many stock images available online that give you unique and high quality images but choosing a suitable image should be your focus. Add expressions and communicate your idea with innovative stock images that help your brand connect better with your audience.
How to choose stock images?
Here are 5 proven strategies that you can put to use while choosing stock images for your website.
1) Avoid Clichéd Images
Your brand is unique and it should be spread that way only. Never use clichéd and old images on your website. Find images that are synonymous to your brands message and delivers your message more clearly. Audience love visuals as they can quickly get what the post is saying, without reading too much.
2) Add the Personal Touch
Add stock images that users can relate with. Outlandish images are a turn off. Find images that connect users personally with your brand. This personal touch will surely appeal to the users when they see it.
3) Relevant and Up to Date Images
All stock images you ever find must go along the context of your content. Do not find images that are not relevant or out of date. The style of your images must be up to date as this reflects your website and brand’s freshness. Be familiar with the latest trends and avoid anything outdated.
4) Look, Feel and Color Tone of Image
Your logo and brand image connects your user visually towards your business. When you are choosing stock images, you may as well choose them according to the look, feel and color tone of your brand image. This similarity helps the audience connect and relate to your brand more. Also this move will give you a more aesthetic and professional look.
5) Test your Image
Even if you select a proper stock image, do not buy it before testing it. Download images with watermarks and test them out. The portrait and landscape modes of images vary and are used differently for different layouts. Purchase images after testing few good one, so that your choice makes your brand look best.
Resources to Find Great Stock Images:
Now that you know how to choose the right stock image for your brand, let us explore the resources that have tons of stock images, you can use.
Free Stock Images Resources:
There are many websites that have a great collection of free stock images. You just have to devote time to find the right image within these sites. Register and subscribe to these sites to get access to millions of free stock images.
1)Â Â Â Â Â morgueFile http://www.morguefile.com/
2)Â Â Â Â Â Creative Commons http://search.creativecommons.org/
3)Â Â Â Â Â Pixabayhttp://pixabay.com/
4)     Little Visuals http://littlevisuals.co/
5)Â Â Â Â Â Wordlehttp://www.wordle.net/create
Tools to Create Stock Images:
Infographics are extremely useful for reaching the users and they are appreciated by users as well. There are many tools to create images using infographic tools:
1)Â Â Â Â Â Canvahttps://www.canva.com/
2)Â Â Â Â Â Visual.ly http://visual.ly/
3)Â Â Â Â Â Easel.ly http://www.easel.ly/
4)Â Â Â Â Â Infogr.am https://infogr.am/app/#/home
Deepak Wadhwani has over 20 years experience in software/wireless technologies. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies including Intuit, ESRI, Qualcomm, Sprint, Verizon, Vodafone, Nortel, Microsoft and Oracle in over 60 countries. Deepak has worked on Internet marketing projects in San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange Country, Denver, Nashville, Kansas City, New York, San Francisco and Huntsville. Deepak has been a founder of technology Startups for one of the first Cityguides, yellow pages online and web based enterprise solutions. He is an internet marketing and technology expert & co-founder for a San Diego Internet marketing company.