Ultimate Guide To Google Ads For Your Business

Table of contents:

  • What are Google Ads?
  • Types of Google ads
  • Advantages Of Using Google Ads
  • Steps To Set Up Google Ads Account
  • Google Ads Best Practices
  • Conclusion

What are Google Ads?

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Source: freecoursewebsite.com

Google owns and operates the world’s largest and most widely used online advertising network. 

  • Google search
  • YouTube
  • Google display ads (formerly known as Doubleclick)
  • Google shopping

Some interesting Google Ad Statistics:

  • Google Ads is currently the biggest provider of search advertising on the market (Statista, 2020)
  • 96% of Google’s revenue comes from advertising (Curvearro, 2020)
  • There are more than 2 million Google Ads accounts (PPC Statistics, 2019)
  • More than 7,000,000 advertisers use Google Ads PPC (KlientBoost, 2019)
  • 80% of all companies focus on Google Ads for PPC (WebFX, 2020)
  • Consumers make more than 160 billion searches per month on Google alone (Valve+Meter, 2020)
  • Google sees an average of 83,787 searches every second of the day (Internet Livestream, 2020)
  • Google Ads results receive 65% of the clicks that started with buying keywords, while organic results only receive 35% (Askmedigi, 2020)

Types of Google ads:

Types of Google Ads include:

  1. Google Search Network campaigns – these ads are usually in text form and can show on Google Search results pages when someone is searching for a product or service similar to what you are offering. herbal teas google ads
  2. Google Display Network campaigns – these ads are usually in image form, and they are displayed on websites or apps that your customers visit.Google Display Network targeting1
  3. YouTube Video campaigns – these ads are usually 6 or 15-second videos that are shown before or during YouTube content. They can be inserted in streaming video content or you can run standalone video ads as well.youtude ad 1024x427 1
  4. Google Shopping ads: Google Shopping ads provide information about the product including a product image, price, and merchant name. Your existing Merchant Center product data is used by Shopping ads to determine how and where to show your ads.

Advantages Of Using Google Ads

benefits of Google Ads
Source: digitalmarketing.org

Google Ads allows business owners  

  1. Precise targeting: to show their ads only to their potential customers.
  2. Target specific devices: to select the types of devices on which their ads will be shown.
  3. Pay Only For Results: businesses pay as per pay-per-click (PPC) advertising model i.e. pay for the clicks on their ads, rather than impressions.
  4. Performance Tracking: Businesses can monitor the performance of their ads. The number of users that view and click your ad can be tracked.

You can use Google Ads to increase the return on investment from your advertising spend and can reach customers who are exactly looking for what you are offering. But for that, you need to set up your Google Ads account first.

Steps To Set Up Google Ads Account

Step 1: Sign Up

Go to the Google Ads website, sign up with your Google account, enter the important information and you are ready to develop your first campaign. 

All you need to do is to:

  • Select your budget
  • Target audience
  • Set your bids
  • Write your ad copy

Step 2: Set Your Budget

Define your budget so that you never exceed your expenditure limits. You can set your daily budget by figuring out the number of visitors that your landing page can convert into customers. After setting your budget, choose your preferred currency and take the next step.

Step 3: Select Your Target Audience

Identify the geographical location of your target audience, and your ad will be displayed in front of only those users that search using the keywords that you’re bidding for and are exactly in the geographical location that you specified.

Step 4: Choose A Network

You have the option of selecting between Google’s Search Network and Display Network. The Search Network shows your ads on the Google SERPs, and the Display Network puts your ad on any website that displays ads.

Step 5: Choose Your Keywords

You can choose as many as needed keywords that may prompt your ad to be displayed on the SERP. Start with keywords that you are sure will get you results. More keywords can also be added later.

Step 6: Set Your Bids

The amount of money that you are ready to pay for each person that clicks on your ad is called a bid. You can either set your bids manually or let Ads set your bids to get as many clicks as possible within your budget.

Step 7: Create Your Ad Copy

Put the thought in writing your ad and make it appealing. Make your message clear and simple enough for a user to understand and also enough persuasive that a user clicks on it.

Step 8: Submit your Ad

Save the ad you have written and fill in your business and payment information. You will have to pay when you finish your set budget, or 30 days later, whichever comes first.

If you constantly fail at advertising on Google then know that there are reasons for the underperformance of your Google Ads. Read on to understand some of the common Google Ads best practices.

Google Ads Best Practices And Recommendations

how to advertise on google
Source: fiverr.com

  1. Avoid broad keyword terms
    Make testing and tweaking a part of your strategy when it comes to keywords. Your ad will be displayed in front of the wrong audience if your keywords are too broad. Your ad spend will be high and you will get fewer clicks. Monitor what is and isn’t working to adjust your keywords accordingly.
  2. Don’t run irrelevant ads
    Run relevant ads. The keywords you’re bidding on should match your headline and ad copy. Your ad needs to match the searcher’s intent for you to justify your ad spend.
  3. Improve your Quality Score (QS)
    Quality Score is an estimate of the quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. Higher quality ads can lead to lower prices and better ad positions. The more relevant your ads and landing pages are to the user, the more likely it is that you’ll see higher Quality Scores. A low-quality score means fewer clicks and fewer chances to convert.
  4. Optimize your website and ad landing pages for conversion
    Landing pages are call-to-action pages generally designed for a specific product or service. Visitors “land” on it after clicking on a link in an email, or ads from Google Ads Network.
    Landing pages provide a call to action (CTA), or branding information, which makes landing pages an ideal option for maximizing the conversion rates of your marketing campaigns and reducing your cost of acquiring a lead or sale.


Google Ads offers different ways of targeting and optimization options for a business owner to bring customers to their business. Opportunities are there to test in every key area of your Google Ads campaign and improve the performance of your Ad campaigns.

If you aim to increase your return on investment then get into the habit of testing your:

  • Targeting
  • Ad copy
  • Landing pages

Focus on testing your ads constantly and optimizing them for better performance. Use the information provided above to create a successful Google Ad campaign that gets clicks and converts leads.

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